Archive for January, 2011


I think working in a Library gives me a great appreciation for tagging. It’s a constant organization of information!

It seems helpful to organize my blogs, for the moment I’m trying to figure out how to make my tagging cloud look more appealing. Perhaps I need a different theme?



RSS feeds

Unfortunately, I missed the class that explained RSS feeds! Luckily, a fellow classmate advised me (thanks Thomas!) This video also helped!

I think I didn’t like using reader in the past because I had to keep up with things that I am not terribly interested in, thus creating a cluttered Reader that I never wanted to check. Nothing worries me more than a clutter e-mail box, and this was no different.

Now however, I’ve found them to be quite useful! As a hobby of mine, I manage a few other social networking sites besides the infamous Dewey McGnome and my personal ones. I’m part of a theatre group and am helping my friend push her new bar & grill out to the public. I’ve found it useful to start following theater news and restaurant blogs to help spark status updates and other possible inspirations.

Also, I found it useful to subscribe to a few social media law blogs that could help shape the way I use social media in the future. I think the biggest part about social networking is to constantly be learning how to use new tools.

A friend of mine is currently seeking employment and I’ve subscribed to a few job sites that could help update her on the most recent posts without having to open 10 individual websites.

RSS feeds seem to be a huge success this time around! I’m pretty sure I’ll keep using them.