Archive for the ‘ Uncategorized ’ Category

The power behind Facebook

Michele did an exceptional job explaining the basics of Facebook and Twitter in our last class, and I’m glad I got to know some co-workers from a few other departments. I wanted to follow the theme of our last class in this post, but I have a feeling that my take will be a rather personal one.

Although I enjoyed facebooking in our class and helping Carolyn open an account, even though she continuously opposed, FB has recently helped me deal with a family issue.

Having a FB account helped me connect and grieve with my family after the unexpected passing of one of my cousins this week.  My cousin was 32 years-old and passed away in Mexico during a building accident. The news struck us deeply and being so far away, we all felt close to helpless. Seeing as how my family is scattered all through Texas, California, Georgia, Florida and Mexico – it’s hard to keep up with everyone – after all, life happens.

But FB helped brought us together to remind us that we aren’t alone and that we are all hurting in our own ways. Not to mention, after the news and sharing of information, I got friend requests from relatives I haven’t even met yet! In the midst of a sad moment, I was able to get some comfort from exchanging phone numbers through FB chat, writing long messages to cousins, discovering that many of my cousins friends were also mourning, sharing stories with each other, and in short – FB helped us get a piece of stability in a not so stable time.

I’m not one that can freely speak about such things, but being able to post this on FB and knowing family and friends could hear me really helps. I read up a bit on this and it turns out that I’m not alone in thinking that social interaction can help a grieving process. In the article called, PBS’s ‘This Emotional Life’: Can Facebook Help You Grieve?”, psychologist, Dr. Paula Bloom writes how FB helped her face the news of her father’s passing:

I didn’t inform people on facebook as some kind of exhibitionist (it isn’t like I used Twitter.) I did it because it was a simple, efficient way to let a lot of people know something that I felt was important. It lifted the burden of figuring out how to contact several people, tell them what happened and answer the inevitable “how are you doing” question. Talking about something painful, over and over again, is not necessarily the best way to process it.

Among the many uses of Facebook, it was a comfort to discover it’s ability to connect with loved ones through difficult times.

Here’s to my cousin . . .

we miss you David! ❤


I think working in a Library gives me a great appreciation for tagging. It’s a constant organization of information!

It seems helpful to organize my blogs, for the moment I’m trying to figure out how to make my tagging cloud look more appealing. Perhaps I need a different theme?



RSS feeds

Unfortunately, I missed the class that explained RSS feeds! Luckily, a fellow classmate advised me (thanks Thomas!) This video also helped!

I think I didn’t like using reader in the past because I had to keep up with things that I am not terribly interested in, thus creating a cluttered Reader that I never wanted to check. Nothing worries me more than a clutter e-mail box, and this was no different.

Now however, I’ve found them to be quite useful! As a hobby of mine, I manage a few other social networking sites besides the infamous Dewey McGnome and my personal ones. I’m part of a theatre group and am helping my friend push her new bar & grill out to the public. I’ve found it useful to start following theater news and restaurant blogs to help spark status updates and other possible inspirations.

Also, I found it useful to subscribe to a few social media law blogs that could help shape the way I use social media in the future. I think the biggest part about social networking is to constantly be learning how to use new tools.

A friend of mine is currently seeking employment and I’ve subscribed to a few job sites that could help update her on the most recent posts without having to open 10 individual websites.

RSS feeds seem to be a huge success this time around! I’m pretty sure I’ll keep using them.

First things first …

A blog I tend to keep visit frequently is It offers social media tips and trends and seems right up my alley!

Also, I hope to keep these few tips I found on Smedio in mind for future blogs!

Now what?

Now that I’ve successfully created this blog, it’s time to start using it wisely!

I’ve attempted blogging before, and I quickly discovered that maintaining a blog requires time, effort and an ongoing search of information. Unfortunately, every time I start a blog, I tend to run out of inspiration rather quickly.

I hope to find topics that will keep this blog going. I’ve always been amazed at how social media helps highlight the success of non-profit organizations. If at all possible, I would like to mix my interests and gather information in the following topics: marketing, social media, theater, and graphic design.

Since I work in a Library, I would like to learn ways to help establish a solid online presence for our Library. I feel I’m surrounded by many experts that could help pave the way, and I hope blogging will only help add to my social media knowledge.

I’m also part of a theater group and I hope to learn blogging techniques that will help shine light on our future goals. Also, I plan on keeping up with theater blogs in the Houston area.

Hello world!

Hopefully my blog won’t be devastating bland, but I hope to keep track of new and exciting things I’ll be learning in our Technology Training course and keep things interesting!

As indecisive as I am, I think the first 35 mins. of creating this blog was used up as I tried to come up with my username. Originally, I elected “Libraryloo” since a few of friends spell my name L-O-O, but after further discussion with my boss I was reminded that Loo is also the correct spelling British people use to refer to their toilets. Great save from my boss, and I’m taking new spelling suggestions for my nickname …

At any rate, I’m happy to be blogging and also to report that our instructor, Nicci Westbrook hosted an excellent introductory class!